Calgary Concrete Company | Unveiling the Mystery: Why Does Concrete Crack? 

Insights from Pittman Concrete in Calgary


Calgary Concrete Company | Welcome to the world of Pittman Concrete, where we dive deep into the mystery behind one common question: Why does concrete crack? Understanding the factors contributing to concrete cracks is crucial for both homeowners and builders. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the reasons behind concrete cracking and how concrete companies in Calgary like Pittman Concrete approach durability and prevention.

Shrinkage: The Natural Culprit:

Concrete undergoes a natural process called shrinkage as it cures. This shrinkage occurs as the water in the concrete mix evaporates, leading to the material contracting. Calgary concrete company Pittman Concrete, acknowledges that while this is a normal part of the curing process, it can result in minor cracks on the surface.

Excessive Water in the Mix:

Too much water in the concrete mix can compromise its strength and increase the likelihood of cracking. A Calgary concrete company should understand the importance of maintaining the correct water-to-cement ratio during the mixing process to ensure optimal strength and minimize the risk of cracks.

Temperature Fluctuations:

Extreme temperature variations can have a significant impact on Calgary concrete. In colder climates like Calgary, freeze-thaw cycles can cause the material to expand and contract, leading to cracks over time. The Calgary concrete contractors at Pittman Concrete recommend using proper curing methods and incorporating air-entraining agents to enhance the concrete’s resistance to freeze-thaw damage.

Inadequate Joint Placement:

Proper joint placement is a critical factor in preventing concrete cracks. Pittman Concrete understands that without well-placed joints, the material is more likely to crack as it naturally expands and contracts. Strategic joint placement helps control the cracking pattern and ensures a more durable and aesthetically pleasing Calgary concrete surface.

Lack of Reinforcement:

Concrete without proper reinforcement is more susceptible to cracking, especially in areas with heavy loads or soil movement. Concrete companies in Calgary advocate for the use of steel reinforcement, such as rebar, to enhance the structural integrity of the concrete and minimize the risk of cracking under stress.

Subgrade Issues:

The condition of the subgrade beneath Calgary concrete plays a crucial role in its performance. Poorly compacted or unstable subgrades can lead to settlement and uneven weight distribution, causing cracks. Pittman Concrete recommends thorough site preparation and compaction to address potential subgrade issues.

Chemical Reactions:

Certain chemical reactions within the concrete mix, such as alkali-aggregate reactions, can contribute to cracking. Concrete companies in Calgary like Pittman Concrete will understand the importance of selecting materials carefully and conducting thorough testing to identify and mitigate potential chemical reactions.


Concrete cracking is a complex phenomenon influenced by various factors, and understanding the root causes is essential for effective prevention and durability. Pittman Concrete in Calgary is dedicated to delivering high-quality concrete solutions that prioritize durability and longevity. By addressing factors such as shrinkage, water content, temperature fluctuations, joint placement, reinforcement, subgrade issues, and chemical reactions, Calgary concrete contractors will be able to ensure that your concrete structures can withstand the test of time. 

Contact Pittman Concrete today for expert guidance and reliable concrete solutions that minimize the risk of cracks and enhance the longevity of your projects.